Amanda Bynes was officially asked to put away their car keys.
On Wednesday, the young talented actress, 26, was commissioned by the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel not to drive without a valid driver's license, people acknowledge.
But on Thursday night, she got behind the wheel, driving around West Hollywood and touching a parked car with his black BMW 5-series, TMZ reports bumper.

Bynes has lost his driver's license, and faces DUI charge and two counts hit-and-run, according to the Los Angeles Times.
On Sunday, the former child star was stopped by police officers in LA, where the lights were not, but it has not been asked to show his license, according to The Times, noting that the police are not required to apply for a license in all cases.
At the hearing on Wednesday before Revel - who chaired the Lindsay Lohan's legal problems - District Prosecutor's Office asked the judge Bynes license matter.
Bynes attorney Bob Wilson, who appeared on behalf of the actress, who did not - initially told the judge: "We have not yet completed their DMV hearing, so it could not have lost his license for" E! news
But then Wilson said rw informed him that the actress is not a license to figure out how to actually stop the official records.
Sunday, apparently, was not only the day, she was on the road. TMZ posted pictures of Bynes' driving hours and smoke some pipe on Tuesday.
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